I guess that was too long a hiatus from the world of blogging.Guess who's back, back again!! is the song that strikes me at this juncture.
I recently read a book called Man and Superman ,subtitled A comedy and Philosophy,by G.B.Shaw.Was a wonderful book,I thoroughly enjoyed it.Well,the word Superman of the title,is derived from the writings of Freidrich Neitzsche.
The other book I read,rather re-read was,
Surely You're Joking Mr.Feynman!!!An awesome book and I would classify it under the must-read category.The whole book was in simple terms,but the underlying thoughts were...really Fantastic! Wat a physicist- Feynman is!
Especially the chapters about
cracking the safes,called "Safecracker meets Safecracker" was too good.
My favourite verse is, about the problem on introspection:
I wonder why.I wonder why. I wonder why I wonder. I wonder why I wonder why. I wonder why I wonder!